Sprint management

Plan, execute, and track sprints efficiently with Fixique's Sprint Management Tool for optimal project delivery.

Scrum master

Fixique's Sprint Management Tool provides the structure and functionality you need to plan, execute, and manage sprints effectively. Whether you're running agile projects or managing complex workflows, our tool helps you break down projects into manageable sprints, ensuring timely delivery and enhanced team productivity.

Get stared with sprint management

Transform your sprint planning and management with Fixique's Sprint Management Tool. Sign up today to streamline your workflows, enhance team productivity, and achieve your project goals with greater efficiency and precision. Experience the benefits of structured sprint management and deliver exceptional project outcomes.

Start your journey to efficiency and achievement with Fixique.

Key features

We offer lots of project management tools and solutions

Sprint Planning

Effortlessly plan your sprints by defining sprint goals, selecting tasks, and setting priorities. Our sprint planning features allow you to organize work into focused, time-bound intervals, ensuring that your team stays on track and delivers consistent results.

Task Assignment

Assign tasks to team members with ease, ensuring that everyone knows their responsibilities and deadlines. Our tool supports clear task ownership, helping to balance workloads and improve accountability across the team.

Real-Time Progress Tracking

Monitor the progress of your sprints in real-time with dynamic dashboards and progress indicators. Stay informed about task completion, potential roadblocks, and overall sprint status, enabling you to make informed decisions and adjustments on the fly.

Burndown Charts

Utilize burndown charts to visualize your sprint progress and measure performance against planned objectives. These charts provide a clear view of work completed versus work remaining, helping you identify trends and forecast sprint outcomes accurately.

Backlog Management

Effectively manage your product backlog by prioritizing and refining tasks. Our tool allows you to keep the backlog organized and ready for future sprints, ensuring a steady flow of prioritized work items.

Sprint Retrospectives

Conduct sprint retrospectives to evaluate team performance, celebrate successes, and identify areas for improvement. Our tool facilitates structured feedback sessions, helping you continuously enhance your processes and team dynamics.

Enhanced Planning and Organization

Fixique's Sprint Management Tool helps you plan and organize sprints with precision.

By breaking down projects into smaller, manageable segments, you can ensure that your team remains focused and productive.

Everything you need

We offer innovative solutions to optimize efficiency and drive success.


Secure access for agents to manage tasks and customer interactions efficiently.

Customer login

Easy access for customers to view and manage their accounts and services.

Group management

Efficiently organize and oversee groups for streamlined collaboration and communication.

Customer portal

A centralized platform for customers to access their accounts, services, and support.

Custom forms

Create and tailor forms to capture specific data and streamline workflows.


Categorize and manage various types of requests for efficient processing and resolution.

We value our clients

Improved Project Outcomes

With optimized workflows, real-time updates, and enhanced collaboration, Fixique's Kanban Style Workflow helps you deliver projects on time and within budget. Achieve better project outcomes by leveraging the power of visualization and task management.

What we offer

We offer innovative solutions to optimize efficiency and drive success.

Project Management

Project management involves planning, organizing, and overseeing tasks to achieve specific goals within a timeline and scope. It ensures efficient resource use, risk mitigation, and successful project completion.

Kanban board

A Kanban board visualizes workflow, helping teams manage tasks efficiently by displaying work stages and progress. It enhances productivity and collaboration through continuous improvement and clear task prioritization.

Sprint Management

Sprint management involves planning, executing, and reviewing short, time-boxed work periods in Agile projects. It focuses on delivering specific increments of a project, ensuring continuous progress and iterative improvement.

Release notes

Release notes provide a summary of new features, enhancements, bug fixes, and changes in a software update. They inform users about improvements, resolved issues, and any important updates in the latest software version.

Worksheet Management

Worksheet logging involves recording and tracking tasks, activities, and data entries in a structured format. It helps in monitoring progress, maintaining accuracy, and ensuring accountability in various projects and processes.

SLA Management

SLA management involves defining, monitoring, and enforcing service level agreements to ensure that service standards and performance targets are met. It helps maintain accountability, optimize service delivery, and enhance customer satisfaction.