General Information

Fixique is a project management and issue tracking software designed to simplify complex workflows and enhance team productivity.

Fixique streamlines project management, improves team collaboration, and helps you stay organized, leading to increased efficiency and better project outcomes.

Fixique is suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries, including startups, SMEs, and large enterprises.

Yes, Fixique is a cloud-based platform, allowing you to access your projects and data from anywhere with an internet connection.

Fixique offers project planning, issue tracking, Kanban boards, sprint management, collaboration tools, and more.

Fixique employs robust security measures, including data encryption, regular backups, and strict access controls, to ensure your data is safe.

Yes, Fixique offers various customization options to tailor the platform to your specific workflow and business needs.

Yes, Fixique has a mobile app that allows you to manage your projects and track issues on the go.

Fixique offers multiple support options, including a helpdesk, knowledge base, and customer support team available via email and chat.

Yes, Fixique offers a free trial so you can explore the platform and its features before committing to a subscription plan.
Account Setup

To sign up for Fixique, visit our website and click on the "Sign Up" button. Follow the instructions to create your organizations account.

Each organization receives its own unique subdomain like where you and your users can log in and manage projects.

No, each email address can only be used to sign up for one organization on Fixique.

As the main organization user, you can invite others by navigating to the user management section and sending invitations via email.

Yes, you can invite both users and customers to access and use Fixique within your organization’s account.

Domain names cannot be edited after account creation. Ensure you enter the correct domain name during the signup process.

Invited users and customers will receive an email with a link to accept the invitation and create their Fixique account under your organizations domain.

There is no limit to the number of users you can invite. You can manage and adjust user access based on your subscription plan.

During signup, you will need to provide your organization contact person name, a unique subdomain, your email address, and a password.

No, the domain name assigned to your organization is permanent and cannot be changed after account creation. Ensure you choose a suitable domain during signup.
Subscription Plans and Pricing

Fixique offers multiple subscription plans to suit different business needs, including monthly and annual plans with various feature sets.

Pricing varies depending on the plan you choose. Visit our pricing page for detailed information on each plan and its features.

Yes, we offer a one-month discount on annual subscriptions. This allows you to save compared to the monthly subscription cost.

You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time by accessing the billing section in your Fixique account settings.

Fixique accepts various payment methods, including major credit cards and debit cards using Stripe payment gateway.

Yes, Fixique offers a free trial so you can explore the platform and its features before committing to a subscription plan.

If you cancel your subscription, you will retain access to Fixique until the end of your current billing period. No further charges will be applied.

No, Fixique does not have any hidden fees. The price you see on our pricing page is what you pay.

You can view and manage your billing information, including invoices and payment methods, in the billing section of your Fixique account settings.
Billing and Payment

Fixique accepts major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. All payments are processed by Stripe.

You can update your payment information in the billing section of your Fixique account settings. Simply enter your new payment details and save the changes.

Billing occurs at the beginning of each billing cycle. For monthly plans, you will be billed every month on the same day you subscribed. For annual plans, you will be billed once a year.

You can view your invoices and billing history in the billing section of your Fixique account settings. This section provides detailed records of all your past transactions.

If your payment fails, you will receive a notification. Please update your payment information in the billing section and attempt the payment again. If the issue persists, contact our support team for assistance.

Fixique does not offer refunds for cancelled subscriptions. You will retain access to the service until the end of your current billing period.

You can switch from a monthly to an annual plan in the billing section of your Fixique account settings. You will be billed for the annual plan immediately and receive the one-month discount.

No, Fixique does not charge any additional fees beyond your subscription plan. The price listed on our pricing page is the total cost.

Fixique offers both monthly and annual billing cycles. You can choose the billing cycle that best suits your needs when you subscribe.

You can download and print copies of your invoices from the billing section of your Fixique account settings. Each invoice includes detailed information for accounting purposes.
Using the Dashboard

The Fixique dashboard is user-friendly and intuitive. Use the sidebar to access different sections such as projects, tasks, and reports. Click on the icons to open specific modules.

You can customize your dashboard by adjusting the layout, adding widgets, and selecting the data you want to display. Access the customization options through the settings icon on the dashboard.

The dashboard provides an overview of your projects, including task statuses, project timelines, recent activity, and key performance metrics. Customize it to show the most relevant data for your workflow.

To add new tasks, click on the "Add Task" button on the dashboard. Fill in the task details, assign it to team members, set deadlines, and save it to your project.

Yes, the dashboard offers visual progress indicators like Gantt charts and progress bars, allowing you to monitor the status of your projects in real-time.

Use the filter options at the top of the dashboard to sort tasks and projects by status, priority, due date, or team member. This helps you focus on specific areas of your workflow.

Yes, you can generate detailed reports from the dashboard. Access the reports section, select the parameters you need, and export the report in your preferred format.

If you encounter any issues, check the help section for troubleshooting tips or contact Fixique support for assistance. Our team is here to help you make the most of your dashboard experience.
Project Management Tools

Fixique offers a range of project management tools including task management, Kanban boards, Gantt charts, sprint planning, and issue tracking to streamline your workflow and enhance productivity.

To create a new project, navigate to the projects section and click on the "Create Project" button. Enter the project details, assign team members, and set deadlines to get started.

Yes, you can easily assign tasks to team members by selecting the task and using the assignment option to choose the responsible person. This ensures clear ownership and accountability.

Track project progress using visual tools like Gantt charts and Kanban boards. These tools provide a clear overview of task statuses, deadlines, and project timelines, helping you monitor progress effectively.

The Kanban board is designed to visualize your workflow. It allows you to organize tasks into columns representing different stages of progress, making it easy to track and manage tasks from start to finish.

Use Fixique’s sprint planning tools to define sprint goals, assign tasks, and monitor progress. The sprint management features help you break down projects into manageable intervals for more focused and efficient execution.

Yes, Fixique’s project management tools are highly customizable. You can adjust settings, add custom fields, and configure workflows to match your specific project needs and team preferences.

Fixique’s issue tracking tool allows you to log, categorize, and prioritize issues. Use customizable workflows to manage issues from identification to resolution, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

Yes, Fixique includes collaboration features such as real-time messaging, file sharing, and task comments. These tools facilitate seamless communication and teamwork within your projects.

Generate detailed project reports by accessing the reports section. Select the desired parameters and metrics, then export the report in your preferred format to share with stakeholders or for internal review.
Data Security and Privacy

Fixique employs robust security measures including data encryption, secure access controls, regular security audits, and continuous monitoring to protect your data from unauthorized access and breaches.

Yes, all data stored in Fixique is encrypted both at rest and in transit, ensuring that your information remains secure and confidential.

Access to your data is restricted to authorized personnel only. Fixique ensures strict access controls and role-based permissions to limit data access to those who need it.

Fixique is committed to protecting your privacy. We comply with data protection regulations and have policies in place to ensure that your personal and business information is handled with the utmost care.

Yes, Fixique allows you to set permissions and access levels for different users within your organization, giving you full control over who can view and manage your data.

Yes, Fixique complies with GDPR and other relevant data protection laws. We take all necessary steps to ensure that your data is processed in accordance with legal requirements.

Fixique performs regular backups of your data to prevent data loss. These backups are stored securely and can be restored in case of any data integrity issues.

If you suspect a data breach, contact Fixique support immediately. Our team will investigate the issue, take appropriate action to mitigate the risk, and keep you informed throughout the process.

You can request data deletion through your account settings or by contacting our support team. We will ensure that your data is securely deleted in accordance with our data retention policy.

Fixique’s privacy policy is available on our website. It provides detailed information on how we collect, use, and protect your data. Please review it to understand our data privacy practices fully.